About the Perth and Kinross Lieutenancy

The Honours System

The Honours system recognises people who have made achievements in public life and committed themselves to serving and helping others. They will usually have made life better for other people or be outstanding at what they do.

Honours lists are published twice a year at New Year and in mid-June on the date of the King’s Official Birthday. Anyone can receive an award if they reach the required standard of merit or service, and honours lists contain a wide variety of people from different backgrounds, communities, and organisations. Anyone can nominate someone for an award.

The honours system is administered by the government and you can obtain more information from the government’s https://www.gov.uk/honours/nominate-someone-in-the-ukwebsite as well as the British Monarchy website.

Do You Know Somebody Who Deserves an Honour?

Any member of the public may nominate a person for a National Honour – be it a colleague, volunteer, teacher, etc. The Lord-Lieutenant would like to encourage members of the public to put forward nominations.

The Lieutenancy is not the sole agency through which nominations for honours are processed, but every effort will be made to assist members of the public who wish to nominate someone via this route.

Likewise, the Lieutenancy only has a limited influence over the processing of nominees, but that should in no way discourage you from nominating individuals for honours.

We feel it is vitally important that we know about the great work people are doing in our area, particularly in the voluntary sector. The information we receive also helps us with making recommendations for invitations to the Royal Garden Party, held each summer, at the Palace of Holyrood House, Edinburgh.

The Nomination Process

The Lieutenancy Honours Committee is made up of experienced Deputy Lieutenants who are available to assist with your nominations (for residents of Perth and Kinross).  The steps are:

  • Nominator gets in touch with the Lieutenancy Honours Committee by emailing the Clerk to the Lieutenancy – details in next section.
  • An Honours Committee Deputy Lieutenant will contact the nominator and explains the process. They will supply the Scottish Government Application Form and other explanatory information as to how to complete it.
  • The nominator completes the application form, supplying the information requested, with the assistance of the Deputy Lieutenant. The Deputy Lieutenant will check the application and arranges for it to be forwarded to the Scottish Government for consideration.
  • The Scottish Government reviews the application and transposes it onto the formal Cabinet Office Nomination Form in the proper format and language, ensuring that the all the most relevant information is included.
  • The Scottish Government sends the completed Cabinet Office Nomination Form to the Cabinet Office.

How to Nominate Someone – and Take Forward

You may submit a nomination at any time to the Clerk at the Lieutenancy. To do so, please email us at  lordlieutenancy@pkc.gov.uk providing your name, email address and contact telephone number. At this stage it is not required to share the name of the nominee.

One of the Deputy Lieutenants will contact you directly, and they will discuss the nomination with you – and advise how it should be advanced to the Cabinet Office (who have overall responsibly for the granting and administration of all Honours).

Nominators are therefore encouraged not to apply online directly to the Cabinet Office (which is also possible via the Cabinet Office website) as their application form is long and formal – and really needs knowledge of the process to complete it successfully.

By going via one of your Deputy Lieutenants and then to the Scottish Government, the application is more likely to be in the correct format, with the right endorsements, and to give it the greatest chance of success.

The official Government weblink is at: https://www.gov.uk/honours,,

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